Friday, March 20, 2009

"Still Two Nations?"

A conference today, March 20, at Duke University entitled "Still Two Nations?" is underway to discuss whether or not America is still divided by issues of race today.

Duke Professors Paula McClain, William Darity, and University of Maryland Professor Bonnie Thornton Dill conducted the conference.

NPR's radio program "Tell Me More" covered the event.

Paula McClain gave evidence of racism when she was closing on a home loan with her husband. She stated that her loan form was pre-filled with white under ethnicity because the loaners assumed that because of their great credit that they must have been white.

The overall consensus among the professors was that although race relations have improved, that race is still very present in American society today.

Professor Darity stated that even today whites "still have the highest status and the greatest amount of resources both economically and politically."

Rush Limbaugh Blames Affirmative Action

This guy really grinds my gears.

Rush Limbaugh, among many other negative comments about our President, has actually claimed that Barack Obama only won the Democratic ticket because of affirmative action.

He stated that he won because "no one had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy."

These are the type of comments that fuel racism. I'm all for free speech as endowed by the constitution, but where do we draw the line? How is it okay to pollute the media with such outwardly racist propaganda?

Young Boy Dies, Was it Racism?

Last May, a UK man brought his 4-year- old son who was suffering a seizure to a local hospital. He claims that hospital staff did not expedite his son's admittance because he was black.

The young boy died subsequently died.

According to BBC News, the father raised allegations of racism to police who he says failed to conduct a proper investigation into the case. Almost a year later, he is still grappling with UK police over the issue as he is still mourning the loss of his child.

The investigation is still underway, so I cannot say with certainty that racism is the root cause of this death just yet.

But isn't it despicable that it might? Even the possibility that a young boy died in 2008 because of racism is disturbing.

Unfortunately these are issues that must still be addressed today. Regardless of how far advanced we are in terms of technology or capitalism, a social phenomenon called racism still has a hold.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Eleven Oscars in 80 Years?

Is racism a thing of the past?

CNN has reported in an article entitled "Black Actors Still Face Oscar Challenges" that in the past 80 years, only 11 black nominees have won Oscars.

With incredible actors like Will Smith, Samuel L. Jackson, Morgan Freedman, and Halle Barry, just to name a few, it makes you wonder: how is that possible?

Is it that black actors aren't as talented as white ones? Or is there a mark of racism here?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

NAACP Sues Two Major Mortgage Lenders

CNN reported that on March. 13, the NAACP filed lawsuits against Wells Fargo and HSBC alleging "systematic, institutionalized racism" in their sub prime lending.

The two companies allegedly gave African-Americans sub prime rates when they qualified for better rates and as a result African-Americans have been hit harder than others in the recent mortgage crisis.

Both Wells Fargo and HSBC deny allegations of racism.

This type of racism, the institutionalized form, is not found nearly as often as others. If it is found that the allegations are true, these two companies, likely already in financial struggle, will have to pay both financially and also in terms of company reputations.

"Obama Fingers"

This one is truly unbelievable.

The New York Daily News reported that a German frozen food company is capitalizing on President Obama's popularity with their own brand of fried chicken called "Obama Fingers."

A sales manager for the company actually said " the connection between Obama and fried chicken - a stereotype long associated with African-Americans - never occurred to her."

It really is dispicable how many people play dummy when it comes to race.

Russian Ice Cream Ad Racist?

As if the New York Post's chimp cartoon wasn't enough.

A Russian ice cream company created this advertisement which is (with much reason)being interpreted as highly racist.

Not only is the ad callously trying to play on the pun of chocolate and vanilla but the title of "Flavor of the Week" also implies that President Obama's popularity is based on trend rather than legitimacy. published an article depicting their own sentiment over the controversial ad.

It's incidents like this one that make me think: Why does anyone think this is funny or even appropriate?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Jackie Mason Sparks Controversy

Legendary comedian Jackie Mason referred to President Obama using a Yiddish word considered a racial epithet on March. 12 at a New York show.

The New York Daily News reported that after Mason used the word " schvartze" which means black in Yiddish, some fans actually booed him and walked out of the venue.

Mason, 72, responded to the accusations saying "It's not a demeaning word and I'm not going to defend myself."

He also referred to himself as "an old Jew" who was raised in a family who used the word.

This brings up the issue of tradition. Why should it be okay for older people to use these kinds of words just because they always have?

Everyone, old or young, should abide by today's ethical standards.